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Grip Strength

Grip strength is a measure of muscular strength, or the maximum force/tension generated by one’s forearm muscles.

It can be used as a screening tool for the measurement of upper body strength and overall strength.

Research indicates that grip strength in midlife can predict physical disability in senior years and help evaluate a patient’s overall health.

Grip strength grows weaker as we age, which eventually begins to affect our day-to-day activities. Simple things like opening jars, carrying groceries, and turning doorknobs are made more difficult depending as the strength of the hands decreases.

Some helpful exercises to improve grip strength:

Towel wring:

Towel wring
Soak a towel until it is very wet. Place a hand on each end of the towel. Wring out the towel (one hand clockwise, the other clockwise) as firmly as you can. Repeat.

Tennis Ball Squeeze:

Tennis ball grip
Hold a tennis ball in the palm of your hand and squeeze as hard as you can and hold for 2-3 seconds. Slowly release your squeeze. Repeat

Farmer’ Walk:

Farmers walk

Hold a weight (of equal weight) in each hand. Walk 5m, turn, walk back 5m. Repeat.

If you have any questions about the health or alignment of your spine or that of your loved ones, Dr. Erin McLaughlin and Dr. Pierre Paradis are here to help. If you live or work in Kanata and the surrounding area, contact us today or give us a call at (613) 831-9665.


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