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Planning, Planting, Reaping

couple gardeningAs we move into Spring and Summer, gardeners are busy with catalogues planning their gardens, ordering seeds and preparing for when Spring comes to make the most of the growing season.

But does their checklist include getting the Gardener’s body ready to plant, weed and gather the fruits of their labour?

Gardening utilizes many muscles and joints. We put our bodies under a great deal of strain: twisting while raking, kneeling or crouching when weeding and planting. Maintaining good flexibility and strong core muscles all year long is key to preventing the injuries typically sustained while gardening.

  • Before heading out for a day of gardening, plan to do some kind of cardio activity (eg, a brisk walk) to get the body warmed up. Active exercises are best before engaging in any activity (moving your arms in a circular motion, swinging your leg like a pendulum). Static stretches, where you hold the stretch for a time, are better for you after you have completed your activity.
  • Be mindful of your posture and remember to keep heavy objects close to your body when lifting. As soon as you start feeling discomfort, take a short break, change your posture or your grip on a tool, and s-t-r-e-t-c-h.
  • Make use of the gardener’s aids available in stores: cushioned kneelers, tools with ergonomic handles, small stools so that you can sit rather than crouch.

Are you under chiropractic care taking care of your spinal health and improving your nervous system function? Drs. Erin McLaughlin and Pierre Paradis are here to help. If you live or work in Kanata and the surrounding area, give us a call at (613) 831-9665.


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