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iced-latte-thumbnailEveryone now knows that sugar is something to be eliminated from their diet.

Consumption of added refined sugar is easy enough to remove. Forgoing those spoonfuls in your coffee or tea, and dodging sweet treats or sodas is always the smart thing to do.

Sugar is a known toxin and the myriad ways it attacks your body are countless.

To wrap your head around sugar’s destructive powers, it helps to understand how the body reacts when it meets the sweet stuff. With each gulp of a sports drink or soda, for instance, simple carbohydrates are quickly dismantled into simple sugar molecules (glucose) that pass directly into the bloodstream. As a result, blood sugar rises markedly. To bring levels back to normal, the pancreas releases insulin, which lowers blood-sugar levels by escorting glucose out of the bloodstream and into cells.

If energy needs are high at the time sugar hits the bloodstream, that sugar is put to good use. But a too frequent or too heavy supply of sugar pushes the pancreas into overdrive, causing it to release too much insulin – a spew instead of a squirt. And an excessive release of insulin spells inflammatory trouble.

Inflammation often equals pain, which is why you may find yourself reaching for medication when your diet has been off-kilter. Take a look at what you’ve been eating, and remember those hidden sources of sugar in so many processed foods. Altering your eating habits to a whole-foods based diet composed largely of protein and vegetables will do wonders for reducing the inflammation, and your discomfort.

If you’ve been experiencing chronic pain, take a hard look at your diet. A few minor changes can make a world of difference. We recently witnessed an amazing transformation for a woman with fibromyalgia and widespread chronic body pain. She made the very wise decision to significantly reduce her sugar consumption, and reported that she was now seeing an equally significant change in her pain levels.

Sugar-induced inflammation is not the only cause of body pain, remember. Consult your health-care provider to determine the source of your pain. But certainly…cut that sugar and experience the miraculous changes of a healthier body!

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